Saturday, January 27, 2007

Talking to Your Dinner

I'm still recuperating, taking my meds, getting my undercoat brushed out every day. The attention is great, but Shane's a little, well, envious. I think he'd like a few of my ailments. That's why I made sure we included his picture today. Me? Don't I look a little pale still? I feel pale.

Do you remember that British woman who pretended dogs could talk to her? I don't remember her name—maybe Sylvia something—but, do you know what got me about her? One day, she was pretending to talk to an iguana. Yup. An iguana. Okay, so she pulled it off really well, and she earned lots of money pretending to talk to that iguana and to a few cows and dogs and cats and lots of other animals.

But, she really slipped up one day when she told a vegetarian dog owner that her dog had said he missed eating meat. "So what?," you say. So, I don't see why the cows didn't tell her that they didn't want to be killed and made into hamburgers and canned dog food. Get it? And, I bet the phony "animal communicator" also ate meat. Now, I don't know about you, but I couldn't eat someone if I just had a conversation with them. Could you?

Well, I've got to rest again. It's an uphill battle, but I'll make it. I'm trying to be extra nice to Shane so he doesn't feel left out.

Best wishes, Juno

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