Sunday, January 7, 2007

Bonding and Sniffing

Shane and I never see eye to eye, but we get along. Sometimes humans complain that their dogs don't "bond" with them or with other dogs in the family. That's so trendy. So what if we don't bond. Bonding isn't a trick like "sit" or "roll over." Shane looks to the left; I look to the right. Then, we share insight at the end of the day. Imagine if people knew that trick!

Yesterday was cesspool day. The shocking smells, the gurgling noises, the loud truck hogging up the driveway. What more could a dog ask of life! (No question mark; that's an exclamation of the highest order.) You can't just stop and smell the roses; it's too predictable. You've got to do what dogs do: sniff it all.

Hey, and the cesspool guy was so polite. I think he thought me beautiful. He didn't actually say those words, but I could see it in his blue eyes. I also think he had deep respect for Shane's low bark behind the glass door.

Best wishes, Juno

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