Sunday, November 4, 2007

A Dog's Advice: No One Listens

Now that it’s November, I like to spend more time outside. As long as it’s cold and my belly is full, I’m happy.

On our walk this evening, I met someone who was afraid of me. I sat down very quietly, hoping she would come and pet me, but nothing. I guess there are times in life with the mountain just refuses to come to Mohammad. The trouble is, sometimes Mohammad had better steer clear of the mountain, because the mountain has fear, and when things have fear, they also have danger. So, I finally analyzed all this and moved down the block.

When we got to the corner, I looked around and saw the woman run to her car, her eyes on me, the fear showing in her tight lips. And so I felt sad about the whole thing. As I explain to Shane on a daily basis, fear can be managed; you just have to treat it as if it has no power, and, puff, it’s gone.

No one listens.

Okay, fine, I don’t even listen to myself. But, that’s different. I’m afraid of sudden loud noises, because they come out of the unknown. But, I’m not afraid of things that are just sitting in front of me. And I’m certainly not afraid of myelf.

Best wishes, Juno

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