Saturday, August 25, 2007

Treats from a Trainer

See Shane's Nice White Smile!

I watched the Westminster Dog Show on television this morning, and I saw so many dogs—really beautiful dogs, some with long fur, some with short fur, and a few were almost bald. The one thing all the dogs had in common was that they had trainers, and before the dogs strutted their doggy stuff before the cheering crowd, their trainers gave them a treat and pulled their leashes up at a 90-degree angle. Oh, the other thing they had in common was that everyone said how spectacular they were.

Shane and I get treats every time Joan goes out. That way we don’t have an anxiety attack or have to struggle with feelings of abandonment. We also get treats when Joan has dinner; that way we don’t feel excluded from the fun.

But, we don’t have a trainer, so we never have to roll over or strut or have our teeth checked by a dog judge—which is just as well, what with Shane’s tendency to overreact when people try to put their fingers in his mouth. Actually, Shane’s teeth are pretty nice looking. But, I advise you to take my word for it. As for me, you can check them out any time you like.

I think it’s great that all those people love dogs so much that they get all dressed up and cheer for them. But, I like getting treats just because I’m me.

Best wishes, Juno

PS: White teeth by LEBA III. Expensive, but worth it.

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