Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Seen Around Town

Top: Lily licks her dainty chops on her queenly throne.
Below: Shane and I ponder life on our floorly beds.

Yesterday, Shane and I did the rounds both in the neighborhood and in a great circle surrounding the neighborhood. What a whirlwind of social interaction!

To start the day, which was nothing like the dog days I wrote about last week, Judith came out for a visit. She’s a cat lover, so I wasn’t able to get much enthusiasm out of her. But, she didn’t mind it when we all got in the car together to bring her to Arthur’s house. Well, when we got to Arthur’s, Lily the Terrier jumped on Shane’s face—I think she just wanted to see what he was about. A squabble ensued. One human took Lily off Shane’s face; another human took Shane off her neck. It was all over in five seconds.

Arthur is my man, because, instead of getting all huffy that Shane the intruder had salivated on his dog, he went and got two soup bones from the freezer and gave one to me and one to Shane so we’d have something to do while Joan visited inside.

Joan weakly objected, “But, Arthur, my dogs are vegetarians.”

Arthur smiled and patted her on the head, “Not any more.”

He’s a sensible man for whom I have great respect. Then, we went to David and Gloria’s where we sat on the slate patio and drank water and listened to the humans talking inside. Gloria is in love with Shane. David finally admitted that I’m sweet. They didn’t know that Shane and I were listening to the secretive murmur of their conversation. They think dogs can only comprehend words like sit, dinner, and walk. Ha! Language isn’t the exclusive domain of humans. Humans don’t get that simple fact. But, dogs get it.

When we got home, we took a nap and then went for our evening walk. Joan chatted it up for about an hour with Shellavon, the nice neighbor down the block. Eventually, Shane stopped being nervous and he lay down beside me waiting for the two of them to finish their observations about life. Dogs live life; humans talk about life. It’s a wonder we get along so well.

Best wishes, Juno

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