Sunday, July 22, 2007

LIfe's a Mint

When I don’t feel well, I like to eat mint.

Lucky me, there’s a big patch of mint in the corner of the yard, and here I sit biting off pieces of fresh leaves, chewing, drooling, and staring at the neighbors’ huge oak, hoping my stomach will stop flip-flopping.

The mint patch is better than a spa, more refreshing than iced tea, more peaceful than a night on the couch.

Our neighbors don’t like their oak tree because it’s tall and green and shades their house against the sun and provides oxygen to the air. They think there are too many trees. That’s what they say: “Too many trees around here.”

They don’t have a mint patch like this. I love my mint patch and I love their oak tree for it’s tall and green and shades our house against the sun and provides oxygen to the air. We think there aren’t enough trees.

I sit calmly in my mint patch and think about yin and yang.

Best wishes, Juno

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